
CCTech, a consulting firm for cloud-based solutions, needed a digital revamp to clarify their services and enhance their market presence. We focused on structuring value through design, and creating an engaging brand tailored to their ideal target public and private sector clients.
What We Did
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Branding
  • 3D Design
  • CCTech Consulting
  • Tech & IT
Branding with Intention
CCTech's previous online presence lacked clarity in showcasing their expertise in cloud solutions, making it challenging to build trust and authority in the sector.
To address their challenges, we restructured CCTech’s website for clear service presentation. Organizing information effectively was key in showcasing their specialized services.
Custom 3D Graphics for Engagement
Given the abstract nature of cloud consulting, we utilized 3D design software to create custom graphics. These visuals made CCTech's offerings more tangible and engaging, aiding in conveying complex cloud solutions in an accessible way.
Analyzing Visitor Engagement
Our web development strategy included integrating analytics to track visitor engagement with CCTech’s services. This data-driven approach helped CCTech understand client interests and refine their networking strategies.
The transformation of CCTech Consulting's digital presence led to improved authority, networking, and service engagement. Our targeted solutions in branding, 3D visuals, and web development equipped them with the tools to stand out in the cloud consulting domain.

Unique pages created, showcasing the depth of capabilities CCTech promotes.


Unique 3D visuals created, giving their website visual interest while signaling technical expertise.

Unique content management systems (CMS) created, allowing CCTech to add additional content on their own.